Brief History of CTN
Church Transformation Network (CTN) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2019 to train strategic leaders and pastors in biblical knowledge and ministerial skills so that they can better demonstrate godly character, engage in transformative shepherding, and be intentional disciple makers. Studies show that only about five percent of pastors across the world have formal theological training. Ninety-five percent are still waiting for an opportunity to have a transformative learning experience. CTN was established to address the need to equip strategic church leaders through a non-formal training approach. CTN partners with denominations and churches as a nonprofit organization to provide contextualized, impactful, and sustainable ministry.
Message from Board Chairman
Pastor Dr. Jerry Rueb,
CTN Board Chairman and Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Long Beach, California.
Transformational Outcome
CTN is currently training 63,000 pastors who serve 41 million believers worldwide. God has used the ministry to bring radical transformation in the lives and ministries of many who have completed the program. Some of the transformational outcomes experienced by pastors include: assurance of pastoral calling greater, commitment to fulfill their commission, improved family relationships, increased commitment to the denominational mission, enhanced comprehension of God’s Word, more effective preaching of God’s Word, and personal growth.
At the small group level, pastors grow in response to loving accountability. They experience more fruitful ministry through collaboration with peers and they report healthier relationships with church elders and leaders. In addition, pastors preach more consistently, employing sound doctrine and countering false doctrine. They express a greater commitment to disciple-making, pastoral care, and Great Commission-focused efforts at the church and ministry level.
Message From The President
Welcome to the Church Transformation Network (CTN), where we are committed to equipping pastors who disciple believers so that they can become agents of transformation in their community for the glory of God.
Our informal, student-centered learning approach offers a contextualized, impactful, and sustainable learning platform for pastors who do not have access to formal theological training. CTN works in cooperation with our partners’ existing communication channels, distribution networks, and accountability structures to implement its program in small group settings at the regional and local levels. The training regimen emphasizes pastoral ministry, preaching, discipleship, countering false doctrine, and leadership development. Resources, including books, workbooks, and digital content are available in the local language.

Dr. Habtamu Umer