About CTN

Who We Are…

CTN is a nonprofit organization that exists to address the challenges facing the global Church today including limited access to spiritual resources, lack of depth in theological training and education and the resulting dangerous spread of false teaching and practices.  We train strategic pastoral leaders through a practical, self-directed, and collaborative learning approach that promotes godly character, transformative shepherding, and intentional discipleship. Our core values recognize the Church as God’s plan to reach the world and include evangelical theological orthodoxy, holistic transformation, pastoral leadership and authority rooted in Christ-like character, and church health.

What We do…

At CTN we are committed to equipping and empowering strategic church leaders so they can transform their communities with the love and message of Jesus Christ. This commitment begins at the denominational level as CTN offers partnership, commitment, and consultation for spiritual leaders.  Moving to the local level, our model of effective small group learning expands pastors’ holistic growth opportunities by employing professional and practical courses that equip them to grow in their calling, character, and ministry competencies. Curriculum materials and training methodology enable pastors to learn at a steady pace as they continue in full-time ministry.  Finally, CTN’s evaluation tools regularly assess training outcomes, providing qualitative and quantitative evidence of the ministry’s effectiveness.

CTN Organizational Design

Church Transformation Network is an organization that believes in Jesus, an organization that loves God and people. CTN leadership team believes that we live in a time with a tremendous opportunity to impact the world for Christ. CTN’s goal is to train one million strategic leaders in 2030. We already have invitations from several African, Asian, and Latin American countries. We are praying and looking for strategic partners who are committed to equipping strategically positioned equippers in the body of Christ. Thanks again for your time and commitment. May God be glorified as we anticipate serving His church in partnership.


Partner with national churches to equip large numbers of Christian leaders effectively and economically in their calling, character, and ministry competency so that local communities of faith remain biblical, faithful, and fruitful.


To see locally networked, well-equipped Christian leaders in every nation who model Christ-like leadership.


Evangelical theological orthodoxy is based on biblical inspiration, inerrancy, and authority.

God’s plan is to use the Church to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God’s Mature Christian leaders equip the saints for the work of ministry to reflect Jesus in all spheres of life.

God’s Mature Christian leadership is motivated out of love for Jesus.

Church leadership authority flows from the manifestation of Christ-like character.

Church health and maturity.

Our Leadership